- /* sdfexpbs.cpp by K.Tsuru */
- // function ID = 3318 ver. 2.18
- // First version has been finished on 30 May 2003.
- // rewrite on 4 Aug 2016 since version 2.30
- /***************************************************
- It evaluates exp(x) using the binary splitting method.
- ****************************************************/
- #ifndef SN_H
- #include "sn.h"
- #endif
- //static const SDouble ONE(1.0);
- static const SLong S_BASE = Lpow10(4*DFIGURES); // consider efficiency of FFT mult.
- SDouble ExpBS(const SDouble& x) {
- // Check the sign of x.
- if( !x.Sign(3318) ) return ONE; // x = 0
- if( x.IsMLT(ONE) ) return (ONE + x); // |x| << 1.0, x*x = 0;
- SDouble X(x);
- bool posX = true;
- if(X.Sign() < 0) {
- posX = false; X.ChangeSign(3318);
- }
- // Here X > 0.
- ExpArgCheck(X, 3318); // over/underflow check ver 2.18
- SNBlock <SLFraction> slr;
- int k = SplitSDouble(X, slr, S_BASE); // very fast
- long ip = (long)slr(0).num.Low2();
- SDouble r = Expower(ip);
- SLong num, den, a, c;
- int i = 1;
- /***********************************************
- The first factor is evaluated by
- exp(num/den) = {exp(num/(den*divisor)}^divisor .
- ************************************************/
- static const int pow2 = 16;
- static const long divisor = 1L << pow2;
- num = slr(i).num; den = slr(i).den * divisor;
- i++;
- ExpBSR(num, den, a, c); // exp(num/den) = a/c (a rational number)
- SDouble f = SDouble(a)/SDouble(c); // = a/c
- f = Dpow(f, divisor);
- r *= f;
- /********************************************
- My note : Do not apply the fixed point mode,
- because summing up is not used,
- SDouble version is faster than SLong one.
- *********************************************/
- SDouble rA(ONE), rC(ONE);
- for( ; i < k; i++) {
- num = slr(i).num; den = slr(i).den;
- ExpBSR(num, den, a, c);
- rA *= SDouble(a); rC *= SDouble(c);
- }
- r *= rA;
- if(posX) { // r*(rA/rC)
- return r / rC;
- } else { // rC/(r*rA)
- return rC / r;
- }
- }
sdfexpbs.cpp : last modifiled at 2016/08/25 16:34:49(1,974 bytes)
created at 2017/10/07 10:22:50
The creation time of this html file is 2017/10/07 11:29:39 (Sat Oct 07 11:29:39 2017).